quinta-feira, 24 de janeiro de 2008

Illustration by Illustrator

Software: Adobe Ilustrator
Inspiração: Música

sexta-feira, 11 de janeiro de 2008

It's me! By myself

This is me, by myself. I was looking for something next to a draw made of by ink so the result is it (the model doesn't help so much)...I would like to say thanks for my draw's teacher and my fine art's teacher (there's a time that I don't see them) without your lessons it won't be possible.
Software: Adobe Illustrator
Time spended: Just 3 hours

terça-feira, 8 de janeiro de 2008

Um job que nunca mostrei

Esse job posso chamar de fantasma, pois fiz e nunca mostrei ao dono do estabelecimento.
Folder 4x4, 28cmx21cm, papel couché fosco, 150g, uma dobra.